Juventus Theme Song – Storia Di Un Grande Amore – with Lyrics and Translation

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For Juventus Nation, this is the theme song for our beloved team. We are lucky to have Juventus back in the USA this summer. Let us enjoy this opportunity and cheer for our favorite Serie A team.


Black Dranzer says:

sempre il più grande juve ovunque

paulo dybala100000 says:

I love Juve

Antonio Martínez says:

#ILoveJu ??

Nawwar Attaf says:


Xalıd Esgerlı says:

Juve men seni sevirem

Claudia Caruana says:

Forza juve ♡♡♡

Nader Nassrallah says:

One day I'll be singing this at this stadium.

Sebastian Duda says:

Great anthem of Juve and i said it as a ACM fan !

Mikelo juventino says:

Forza JUVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ?????????????

Youssef Sbaa says:

Força JUVE ⚪⚫ Greetings from MOROCCO ❤

Luiz Fernando Smargiassi says:

Forza Juve! Brasil!

happy adam ytb says:

i love you juventus

Diego Poblete says:

Siempre hay un chileno que felicidad saludos hueones

Ali Afara says:

Serie A has the best clubs the best games the best themes Serie A is simply the best league

Juventina ! says:


Yaro Knol says:

Juve je zit in mijn hard

Greatalbania 1912 says:

Drughi albania,

Fino alla fine!

Ivan Jovanovic says:


T-rex Studio says:

Forza juve!!!

Marouane EssadiQi says:

على قبل كريستيانو.نشجع اليوفي..وخا يلعب حتى مع خميسات

Nikola Markovic says:

Mirko Vučinić⚫️⚪️??❤️

sasa dada says:

Forza Juve from Libya

Broon's Bane says:

Forza Juve! from a proud english fan! Fino Alla Fine!

Kanish Shyam says:

First time today…

joep meloen says:

I support Juve from Holland, greetings from PSV Eindhoven..

なっとうまき says:

Forza Juue⚪️⚫️❤

Tagger says:

Forza Grande Juve!

Leony Cruzeiro says:

respect cruzeiro Brazil

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