Juventus Shot Challenge: Allegri vs Pogba

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The end of today’s training saw the boss and Pogboom attempting shots from distance into miniature goals, whereby the ball must hit the back of the net without touching the ground. Stand by for some incredible viewing!

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CHEF 24 says:

Ti batto allegri

MrMoesicka says:

Mourinho..? are you watching?

AB John says:

Never knew pogba was with Nike in this vid

daniele says:

Vi prego riportatelo alla Giuve, mi manca Paul…!!!

sialvin says:

Can you make a video like this again for this season? We love to see the bond of coach Alle and the players other than focusing on Ronaldo.

Dimonishe Dom says:

Когда ювентусу нечего делать они выпускают видео где полю погба и аллегри нечего делать.

Md Akash says:

???????????????????????? JUVENTUS

Cingardian Neverfrostian says:

Thanks for the subtitles Juventus

Cingardian Neverfrostian says:

Allegri is such a trash talker LOL

Cingardian Neverfrostian says:

Why does Juventus have holes in their small goal post like my local football team???

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