Juventus Crest 1905-2017

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This video will show the evolution of the Juventus crest from the early days of the club until today. The crest have changed a lot over the years and the most recent change happened just 4 months ago with their new crest which have received a lot of critic, especially because it looks nothing like the previous crests in their history.

Hope you enjoy the video!

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Manchester City Crest 1930-2017:

Liverpool Jersey 1892-2017:

Liverpool Shirt Crest 1950-2017:


Ibiza Power says:

the new logo is so shit! Juventus is a big club and dont deserve this

Mario Barriga says:

2004 the best

Kyriakos 02 says:

2:24 To be honest, What the fuck is that?

Loui !!! says:

i liked the 1979 crest

Liga Tenis Nicosia says:

the 2017 crest is not representative for the club, just marketing …

Greg Greg says:

Very nice video, high quality stuff. Greetings from Italy

Pokekid15 says:

Did you really draw this and if you did you are amazing

Jared Edge says:

I don't know if you could find enough pictures, but I would be ever thankful if you could make one with Olympique Lyonnais

Daniel Edwards says:

Nice i subbed

ItzFlixx - Agario and More says:

I like 1979

YouTube fc says:

hey football knowledge i ve subbed to you mate

Richard Ilciuc says:

amazing artist and new sub

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