Juventus 2-2 Bayern Munich – Sami Khedira Post Match Interview

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joe 90 says:

Sami is world class…

bloc noir says:

Un grande calciatore e tutto, e sono felice che sia con noi. Ma… non parla italiano? Sono quebecese, vivo in Canada ma posso parlare italiano un po perché sono un tifoso della juve da sempre e per sempre. Cosa succede con questo ragazzo, chi giocha per la vecchia signora e non parla la lingua ancora!?

Martin Kove says:

thick german accent 😀

Zayneb khedira says:

habibi <3 <3

Susan G says:

I want to pass out he's so handsome

Teambringit rock Offical says:

I am related to Sami ?

MS says:

Thumbnail was funny.

Make Manchester United Great Again! says:

Well done Bayern , keep up the effort and youre sure to finish 2nd place, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Mae5tro Beats says:

I thought it was Mahrez

Hanns says:

he looks like an italian on the thumb preview

Omari The People says:

He look different

Akash-sama says:

1:32 – When you're too honest a person and your mouth spills the truth before you even start to think about what you're gonna say ???

iitbftw says:

Thumbnail looks like Riyad

ButerKy says:

I didnt recognize him with that haircut

Willian The donkey says:

The thumbnail LOOOOOL

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