HIGHLIGHTS: Parma vs Juventus – 1-2 – Serie A – 01.09.2018 | World Cup final scorers

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World Cup finalists, Mario Mandzukic and Blaise Matuidi score the vital goals in Juventus’ 1-2 win away at Parma, three games into the season.

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xx CLUSHxx says:

Yess forza juve

erik petrian says:

juventus army

Jasurbee Shuxratjoon O'g'Li says:


Michael Mike says:

Parma played well

Michael Mike says:

Parma played well

Miroku San says:

admit it. we all are here bcause of Ronaldo.

Muammar L Muammar L says:

CR7 is the best

Muhammad Maulana says:

please call ronaldo to real Madrid

Dimash Aitbeck says:

Mandzhukic Matuidi ???

Lasimpala Chanel says:

Juve selalu dihati

Aaron Carlos says:

Forza Juve, Fino alla Fine ????

Irfan Swift says:

Where is ronaldo? I miss your hatrick!!

Richard Lalbuatsaiha says:

Anyone who tried to see whether Ronaldo scored or not??‍♂️

Yo Yo says:

That Assist by Mandzukic was PERFECTION ?

Yo Yo says:

La Joya = Dybala
G.O.A.T = CR7
Beast = Mandzukic


kinyua njeri says:

This is a Gervinho show! He's a Messi of a guy! I'm still a Cristiano Ronaldo fan

caterina passero says:


Ooshy Bermi says:

Great video !?

bakg sv3 kirigaza says:

3:48 CR7 CR7
angry with teammates, selfish do not score goals ?

bakg sv3 kirigaza says:

3:49 RONALDO Angry about being beaten by teammates?

bakg sv3 kirigaza says:

3:48 selfish person named ronaldo

Андрей Рудзик says:

Купите защиту и вратаря Ювентус у вас куча денег и гавно на поле.

Андрей Рудзик says:

Вратарь суки!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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