WWE SHOWDOWN! Paulo Dybala & Douglas Costa meet Jinder Mahal & Bayley

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See what happened when Jinder Mahal & Bayley came to Turin to teach Paulo Dybala & Douglas Costa a thing or two!

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max 341 says:

Dybala e di costa ❤ ⚫⚪??

Lal Ramthari says:

zo Monroe from Mizoram India , our Christian family

liana andria says:


Anurag Negithfof6 says:

Hahahaha haha mst

miguel alvarez says:

es mejor dybala

Sandra Andrisano says:


zola Zaza says:

Bailey just looking at Costa lol

soumik mukherjee says:

Juventus are joke

u7u7 u7u7 says:

Dybala has harsh voice unlike his beautiful face ?

joão victorBR says:

a bayley é muito linda

joão victorBR says:

a bayley é muito linda

JUHAN says:

AHH MY GOD such a cringy commercial ??

ahmed mohamed kamel says:

I want to be football player like dybala

TV Gustavo Games says:


HaiqalTheG4Mer #HAIQALG4MER says:

Hahahahaa it's so funny??

Professor Scapelloni says:

Bayley sono un tuo grande fan, perchè mi hai fatto questo,?❤️? li murt di mamt

Dan Bucur says:


Unique Tech With Fun says:

jinder Mahal really ?????????

Anthony Nguyen says:

WWE is shit na sayin fuck dat fake shit nigga

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