Juventus awarded at the Globe Soccer Awards in Dubai

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Juventus’ Fabio Paratici wins the award for Best Sporting Director of the Year, whilst Cristiano Ronaldo wins Best Player of the Year for the fifth time, as well as a Fans’ Award for the Best Goal, and Blaise Matuidi wins the Player Career award, culminating with the victory of the World Cup.

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Ejuphfhdbxb Jahja says:

Ronaldo you are fantastic player i love you

Jai Pratik Raj says:

Ronaldo fan from India ?

MADELYN Basilio says:

Congratulations CR7 and Juventus as a whole and mr Mendez

Elvis Carrasco says:

saludos desde panama.. bless juve y Cr7.. the best

Anything Is Possible! says:

2:58 that’s Ronaldo jr

Carlos Elia De Aza Recio says:


AL8NRY Tv says:

I think like baloon d'or

elmer fudd says:

Wtf was this? Just an awards night to power bum Ronaldo and juve? Makes me sick

jonny wayne says:

Dubai dump shaiks giving lots awards nothing is genuine..

Dora Meirim says:

Cristiano the best viva la Juventus

Guigui Miranda says:

What kinda of joke is this a award only for juventus lol perez and soccer is becoming a joke

Firstra Ananta says:

Gattuso detected ?

David says:

Ronaldo is the best player in the world ????


Godo per gli antijuventini che stanno rosicando

Ramzaaa dino says:

Shity award

sachin vs says:

How much did juve pay them for ronaldo

Nehal EStormer says:

Anyone die hard fan of CR7???


? Cristiano Ronaldo
Aliens? : sounds like our GOD
Human?? : same here ?

Cristiano Ronaldo says:

Cristiano ????

Janes Gmc says:

?Maaf perez, mereka di abu dhabi tdk bisa di beli..?

Rid Lam says:

Jorge Mendes ??

Daiyaan Nasir says:

These guys r better than FIFA

Carlos Xd says:

Is the best CR7 ?????

Sourish Saha says:

Juventus should change their name to Ronaldo FC…such a great player..true one man army

Sourish Saha says:

CR7 is the best

Sourish Saha says:

CR7 the true G.O.A.T.

Gahs D says:

I love you Cristiano Ronaldo **Cr7**

varsha hande says:

Today is birthday

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