Lazio vs Juventus 0-3 2019 – Highlights and Goals – Résumén y Goles ( Last Matches ) HD

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10 000 Likes For Juventus & Cristiano Ronaldo?
1) Juventus vs Lazio 2-0 ( 2018 )
2) S.S. Lazio vs Juventus 0-1 ( 2018 )

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10 000 Likes For Juventus & Cristiano Ronaldo ? ??

الحق المنطق says:

who is this Ronaldo!!!????hummen !

ลล ลล says:


Stanley Jay Excellent says:

Ilove you cr7

Abraham success says:

The keeper is the man of the match ??????


كرستيانو رونالدو أفضل لاعب في التاريخ وفي الحاضر وفي المستقبل وهو أكبر بكثير من اي لاعب في الكون

irza harma says:

fans C.RONALDO like ?

ducquang ly says:

Good cr7 love you like 🙂

Selvi Lahat says:

Indonesia like..

Luan Nong says:

Vietnam like

Dờ Dờ Vlogs says:

I love CR7 , do you like me? and do you love cr7? give me 1 like <3

Sham says:

Indonesia likes??

Daniyarrr 1 says:

7:21 is thise bonucci in juve

Revelino Calo says:

ronaldo is the best

Syifa Ariel9 says:


Alan Ramsay says:

I never get any likes?

CR7 Fans says:

You are uploading old video cheater

Si UCUP says:

Juve Indonesia likes

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