Champions League Final WAGs 2015 | Barcelona v Juventus

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►Music: Spectrums by Jason Pedder / Ashley Barnes / Douglas Brown

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Omar El-Dakkak says:

Thomas Vermaelen wins

Billy Jezze says:

I will go with antonella she got ma vote

boo bear says:

messi by far???????????????????????

Hdudbf Dhdjdnf says:

My girl will put all the players to shame

JoeKing123 says:

I think the second one??????

Capt TT says:

Oi rakatic's girls!? ?????

Bert Bach says:

Is thr winner

Harvey Miantezila says:

My dick can't point at one of them it's a hard desicion

AFMakers says:

John Terry is moving to Spain and then to Italy

tehreen qaiser says:

Juventus wins in wags but in football Barcelona

tehreen qaiser says:


Natalie Hazard says:

Antonela isn't hot at all. She actually ugly.

Aida Cabrera says:

You forgot neymar XD

Mike Fishyman says:

Where the fuck is shakira she's the hottest

molesticles says:

I like Maria Pombo. She's got my vote.

Red Goldz says:

Thomas's Girl!! Sexy

c hris says:

What about neymar's girlfriend????

Nashifa Muchtar says:


Laura Rogers says:

Barcelona win i wanna kiss all of em

Jrcham040588 says:

Everyone but Us lol

LM10 FCB says:

Ivan rakitic have a girfriend WTF

Krishna Gurung says:

My barcelona team you can do it [Neymar,Messi,Suarez,Iniesta,Pique,Stegen,Xavi,etc]

Marshall says:

"He's got a great personality"

Basim Khan says:

Lmao Luca Marrone? I didn't even know he still played for Juve…

Jordan Davies says:

I thought Rakitic was gay????

Viky Ramirez says:

Barcelona there gonna win anyways

Momo Harana says:

Rakitic is Gay.

dermot mcdaniel says:

Fucking gold diggers all these footballers wife's,cunts,

Briste says:

Where was shakira??

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