JUVENTUS LEGENDS #1 Football Manager 2015

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In one of my favorite games of all time I take a role as a Juventus manager. There is a catch though-The squad is filled with legends that used to play for the club!


Gravelord Nito says:

+Tretsky Okay, thank you for answer. I'm just really connected to this game, it was my first ever mmorpg and it is actually really fun when i watch it on your channel. You're doing really good job. I hope someday you'll have like 1000000+ subs. Goodnight.

Tretsky says:

@Nikodem Rodkiewicz I'll try, but the game seems dead atm. Plus it takes a really long time to level up, which means there's very little to record. Kal videos won't come out as often as they used to because of that. And the lack of people playing is not helping at all.

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