|HD| Real Madrid vs Juventus – Full Match | August 4, 2018 | International Cup 2018

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International Cup 2018
August 4, 2018
Real Madrid vs Juventus 3-1 Full Match


Emperor Palpatine says:

That was a hell of a finish for the own goal

Sunil Kumar says:

Where is Rolando

ElmoParody’s says:

Anyone hear someone saying “ISCO”? If you did, then that was my friend xD

니똥 says:

Where is Ronaldo???

Shahulhameed Pvs says:

Vinicius Jr next To write the legend

Sanjay Thapa says:

cr7 not play game

ange whitcomb says:

Omg I was there

Hari Chhudhari says:

good to real madrid & we are suggested to real manager don `t give chance to kiko casilla he not good player

Felix Nistaldo says:

Please jogo Liverpool vs napoli.

José noe Díaz marquez says:

Fue una experiencia inolvidable estar ayi ❤

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