Juventus News – The Week in Black White Episode 002 (Juvefc.tv)

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A roundup of the Juventus news that matters: 30 December – 5 January


Paratici Interview:

Mendes Interview:


azoz ismail says:

Thanks man, excellent job ?

엄한기 says:

Great work! I'm managing a Juve fansite of South Korea(juventus.kr) and want to show this cool video to our members. Can you make it available add caption of youtube function so that I can translate in Korean?

Elyes Ben Yahia says:

They obviosly not takin racism seriously, with all the cameras in the stadiums somhow. If i was in charge i would arrest them all and consider them mentally ill and force them to take like 1 year special psychtiatric treatment .(btw forza Juve and forza Rav )

Ali AbdulMuhsen says:

Thanks for the news bro, Forza Juve

Jake Ellul says:

Great video Rav

borot man says:

Get well soon.

colo99. says:

Love it Rav!

Fabio Conti says:

Great improvements to the first video (music, thumbnail, etc.)

love it Rav!

Majdf Wolf says:

Forza Juve! My favourite goof of the week is that Juve control VAR XD

Good work as always, Rav!

TheMain Man says:

Great vid!!!

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