Juventus Song – 14/15 #ForzaJuve 2017 ‏

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Serie A 2014/2015
Juventus – Udinese 2:0
Tevez & Claudio Marchisio
#Hi5tory #UCLFinal #JuveReal #RealJuve #ItsTime
#4JU33 #4ZAJUVE‏ #CR7
#Fino alla Fine


גיא יולזרי says:

אבי זה אתה צילמת?

Saa'd Al-Alami says:


Angelo Zara says:

Forza la curva della juventus siamo forti

Angelo Zara says:

Forza juventus campione del mondo

Momo Mo says:

amazing atmosphere 🙂

Aldila Kamil says:

bad day for the opponent

Wendy Derwael says:

juve is the best

peter burry says:

If the stadium was broken, Juve could easily fix it

Avi Nishniver says:

Juventus – Udinese 2:0
Stadium Song
#ForzaJuve #ForzaJuventus

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