Neymar vs Juventus (Pre-Season) 23/07/2017 HD 1080i by SH10

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Neymar vs Juventus (English Commentary)
23.07.2017 – Juventus 1-2 Barcelona
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Pickle Rick says:

He was a superstar in this game, I wish he'll come back. ???

I love Football says:

7:25 just amazing beautiful

Karim Keita says:

Très bon match

Revanth says:

If Barca had any self respect, they wouldn't have included Neymar in the squad for this pre season. Why did they let him showcase his skills and embarrass Barca like this?

Mohammad Maruf says:

What is the name of commentators…..??

Ivan Rivera says:

verrayi and coutinho are coming

MALCOM X says:

He is good but why he doesn't pass even when is teammates are open and nobody is on them and second he only wants to pass the ball to messi if messi has 5 man on him and somebody else is open he will still pass to messi he play like it's only he and messi on the field

Sting3R says:

For the sake of having another football legend, i hope he stays in Barcelona. #RemainInTopLeague


Someone give Neymar some very coldest ice

Nilesh Shetty says:

Neymar looks a bit skinny

Kosek Videos says:

Please post the Man U Game ?

☆ Quality says:

For that second goal it just looked like the defenders avoided tackling him (except) for the one that feel

Biotha Kamara says:

Welcome To PSG

CCA says:

Neymar will go to Paris this is true or not really rumored to be true to me.

Faraz Ahmed says:

6:02 calm down I'm staying

J___J says:

EA give him 98 dribbling on fifa 18 goddamn

Eriksen23i says:

Eriksen vs PSG? 🙂

Shutterstock says:

neymar welcome to psg

Alex Arvizu says:

Someone give Neymar some ice, the guy is on fire xD

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