Cristiano Ronaldo's First and Last Game with Real Madrid

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Cristiano Ronaldo’s First and Last Game with Real Madrid by Legasus. Subscribe and like if you enjoyed.

Special thanks to Anass Teaser and 1900FCBFreak7.

Music: Veorra – The City
Veorra – Strangers
Veorra – Color


cristiano ronaldo leaves real madrid
cristiano ronaldo joins juventus
cristiano ronaldo last match for real madrid
cristiano ronaldo first and last match for real madrid


Dice says:

You can see how much he has improved from his first game

L.F.C NEWS & VIEWS says:

Last match: pocketed by Andy Robertson
First match: pocketed by some 18 year old part time electrician

Faris Faraj says:

I am a chelsea fan but ronaldo is a great player

arshan aly says:

This all happened because of realmadrids manager

Luciana says:

1. Portugal
2. Sporting Lisbon
3. Manchester Utd
4. Real Madrid
5. Juventus


Nicolassarraga's Channel says:

Ronaldo played as if he was a loser on his first game on RM… But then…. He became a legend there.

BigTimeSpider says:

His first Real madrid game man. I wish I could go back now and just smile and watch!

Isaac Mensah says:

Ronaldo= incredible

Sahil Ameen says:

That day he became cr7 our hero


I really support Real Madrid but since Chris Ronaldo moved I feel dead but he back in his old team wish he gets better

Louisplayz says:

When Ronald had his first game in Real Madrid I was 7 days old

Eduardo Her says:

I can tell the difference in the first match

Like is you agree

rachana asthana says:

Love you Ronaldo

SpeedIs KEY18 says:

Now juventus is my favourite team

GamingAge not roblox & less says:

who knows madrid made alot of money of him they can buy messi but will messi agree prob not

GamingAge not roblox & less says:

dammn madrid was crap back then like LOOK AT THE STADIUM

Kaba Maiang30 says:

Ronaldo is king Maradona is not now ☺☺☺☺

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