@vecnils Well i disagree, the president of leverkusen said that he wouldnt sell this player to a team playing in the bundesliga, he didnt want to give more strenght to a team that is already very strong, besides most of the things we hear about the transfers are inventions or at best an educated gess from the press, i think its a bit unfair to call him traitor and liar.
wenn du sagst,dass italien besser als deutschland ist,sowohl die liga ,aber vor allem die nationalmannschaften,dann kann ich dir nur den fußballsachverstand absprechen..
und jetzt belege hier mal,dass deutschland nur mit polnischen oder türkischen spielern spielt..
özil ist deutscher,das ist ein FAKT,in deutschland geboren,aufgewachsen,fußball spielen gelernt usw..
podolski und klose sind in polen geboren,sonst nichts,außerdem ist podolski nicht unumstrittener stammspieler.. ;))
First I didn't talk to you so u don't have to feel offended. 😉
He started the tackiness so I had to defend myself .
Furthermore,this 'meeting' was 5 years ago..
Look how things changed,I can also take games from several years ago as a example.
But what counts is the present,and do you really wanna compare the German team with the Italian?!
Sorry,but with this you disqualify yourself; Schürrle,Özil,Khedira,Kroos,Marin,Höwedes,Hummels,Boateng,NEUER,GÖTZE and so on..
now look at Italy…
I will not be vulgar as you are used to being with you Germans who are not of your own nation, but I wanted to remind you that Germany has cried when she met Italy in the World Cup last example we have kicked out from your world cup in your country …. so before you talk about Italian football to wipe your mouth well.
@vecnils I will not be vulgar as you are used to being with you Germans who are not of your own nation, but I wanted to remind you that Germany has cried when she met Italy in the World Cup last example we have kicked out from your world cup in your country …. so before you talk about Italian football to wipe your mouth well.
sogna sogna
Non sarai interista, ma stai rosicando… I CAMPIONI D'ITALIA, SIAMO NOI!
prossimo merengue??? ma vaffanculo, ARTURO SOLO JUVE!!!!
@gogi9564 snoop dogg – sweat (david guetta remix)
Grande King Arthur Celia Punk!!!
@vecnils Well i disagree, the president of leverkusen said that he wouldnt sell this player to a team playing in the bundesliga, he didnt want to give more strenght to a team that is already very strong, besides most of the things we hear about the transfers are inventions or at best an educated gess from the press, i think its a bit unfair to call him traitor and liar.
@BattleGamer94 meglio cosi XD forza juve XD
grande oggi hai missilato la porta del parma =D comunque mi dite il nome della canzone grazie del video e del titolo =) PS W JUVE
@ginochiaro cosa non farebbe? EPIC FAIL!!
@landovida es chileno .. como el matador marcelo salas
questo nel campionato non segnerà mai
in realtà nell'azione a 0:57 vidal fa una cazzata enorme perchè perde palla con un colpo di tacco e permette al bayern monaco di segnare
@cristianotube96 è stato più stupendo il gol che ha segnato al milan nel trofeo Tim 😀
@landovida è cileno
penalty skilled
at long last a replacement for zidane
Milan should have bought him… 🙁
agressive player
juve campeón 2011-2012
wenn du sagst,dass italien besser als deutschland ist,sowohl die liga ,aber vor allem die nationalmannschaften,dann kann ich dir nur den fußballsachverstand absprechen..
und jetzt belege hier mal,dass deutschland nur mit polnischen oder türkischen spielern spielt..
özil ist deutscher,das ist ein FAKT,in deutschland geboren,aufgewachsen,fußball spielen gelernt usw..
podolski und klose sind in polen geboren,sonst nichts,außerdem ist podolski nicht unumstrittener stammspieler.. ;))
ma.. da 0.57 ha fatto una cazzata degna del miglior felipe melo… bah.. speriamo…
@vecnils italy= viviano,sirigu.,.acerbi, bonucci, ranocchia , poli ,marrone, ogbonna criscito pasquato balotelli el shaarawy macheda paloschi giovico rossi marchisio sala borini soriano dumitru duravia serino viviani scardina scapuzzi angella fornasier moscatiello santonocito santon faraoni mendicino de luca pompilio
Amici gobbi tranquilli sta volta marmotta a fatto l'affare!!!!
First I didn't talk to you so u don't have to feel offended. 😉
He started the tackiness so I had to defend myself .
Furthermore,this 'meeting' was 5 years ago..
Look how things changed,I can also take games from several years ago as a example.
But what counts is the present,and do you really wanna compare the German team with the Italian?!
Sorry,but with this you disqualify yourself; Schürrle,Özil,Khedira,Kroos,Marin,Höwedes,Hummels,Boateng,NEUER,GÖTZE and so on..
now look at Italy…
I will not be vulgar as you are used to being with you Germans who are not of your own nation, but I wanted to remind you that Germany has cried when she met Italy in the World Cup last example we have kicked out from your world cup in your country …. so before you talk about Italian football to wipe your mouth well.
@vecnils I will not be vulgar as you are used to being with you Germans who are not of your own nation, but I wanted to remind you that Germany has cried when she met Italy in the World Cup last example we have kicked out from your world cup in your country …. so before you talk about Italian football to wipe your mouth well.