Cristiano Ronaldo JR. Football Plays: Skills, Goals, Freekick & Tricks

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Are you ready to watch Cristiano Ronaldo’s son? Cristiano Ronaldo Jr., son of Ronaldo. a real football ability. Instead of sitting and watching her father, she practices with her father, does football and works her best to be the new star of the future. Ronaldo JR, who plays football with his father, played football in Real Madrid before. With his father Cristiano Ronaldo transferred to Juventus, Juventus continues to play football in his sub-structure. Ronaldo junior’s goals, skills, tricks and all the moves are on our new video. Ronaldo JR. He is 9 years old and it looks like he is going to be a football star!


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Track: Last Heroes x TwoWorldsApart – Eclipse (feat. AERYN) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Track: Unknown Brain x Rival – Control (feat. Jex) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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All rights reserved SOFOO
The copy of this video will be denounced.
Copyright © SOFOO™ Year 2019.


Mdm Wong says:

You are the best

Mauricio Barbosa says:

Com esse video me ensentivou até a fazer exercicios

류정현 says:

호날두 능력에 흑형에 운동능력까지 받음

날두보다 더성장할수도 .

Sumit Rajbhandari says:

1:07 I like the way Chris motivated his son??????

Giacomo Sugliano says:

incredibile questo bambino… ha già una coordinazione impressionante per la sua età.. diventerà fortissimo.. il papa era povero e fin da piccolo aveva la fame.. quella voglia di riscatto che ti spinge a migliorarti sempre, il piccolo non ha questo vantaggio/svantaggio, ma dalle immagini pare che sia determinato ad emulare il continua così sono certo che diventerà un top player!

kendy kendal says:

# il panni no pou

ريم الاردنيه says:


Diiego Silva says:

Training con ele pé esquierdo de la muleke.

ThyDomIsMunk says:

What a fuckin badass, and a badass dad. CR7 4ever!!!

ilo muhammad says:

MANTAP JIWA #vamosCR7junior

Ana Zue says:

i love you ????

Adil Khan says:

rip English

One of Five says:

kid is a great talent but it looks bored most of the time

Germán Zajur says:

Sos el megor

Amina Sign says:

A croire que vous etes benis tel pere tel fils …un big fan de ton papa team cr7 n cr7 junior

Juanp Vill15 says:

CRJ ???

Hanafi Rashid says:

Memang power

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