Barcelona vs Juventus, Champions League Group Stage 2017 – Match Preview

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TalkFCB says:

The Champions League returns! Barça vs Juve promises to be an entertaining spectacle at the Camp Nou. Let me know your score predictions and also your thoughts on whether Dembélé should start tomorrow?

H.R AND A.R says:

4-0 Barcelona wins, Messi scores 2 and Iniesta scores 1 and Jordi Alba scores 1

Raihan Ahmed says:

Any Barca fan should subscribe to this channel. Its not a business channel. It doesn't talk about too many sponsors and all that. It's all about Barca and it's well being. Tactics, performance analysis, in depth focus to the channel.Every Barca fans dream. Visca el Barca.

Hamzah Hussain says:

Messi is going to score against Buffon today, MARK MY WORDS

Vilmos Sándor says:

Barcelona U19 plays against Juventus U19 now!

Saso Star says:

What county you live in if you dont mind me asking?

amaan mason says:

barcelona for life

amaan mason says:

today messi will score juventus 3 zero

amaan mason says:

today is gonna be a great match i hope barce will win juventus

GBOgaming says:

Great match preview like always? was thinking maybe you could also predict things such as MOTM, goalscorers, and possibly do player ratings or something like that after the match. Idk just an idea?

moses harrison says:

I think iniesta shouldn't start in important games especially ones that are expected to be physical, I'd go with roberto and iniesta finishes the game

A.A.N Nahyan says:

I think it will be Barcelona 2-1 Juventus …And dybala will score for juve and messi and Suarez will score for barca…

Ivan Petrovic says:

I am just 12 ??

Ishan Purnapatre says:

Howades is also injured so juve looking shaky..

Roxey says:

Barca 2:1 Juventus

Sachin Grover says:

Really looking forward to how andre gomes and dembele play when they come on

TheMihig says:

The new golden era of barcelona will happen once Pique is president and xavi is a coach. The way things are moving it's a really high possibility this will actually happen in the future. Pique is very popular in Barcelona, he is also studying at Harvard to pursue his political goals once his football career comes to an end. Xavi on the other hand already said that being a coach for FCB is his dream, but it's too early for that.



Peter DejiIdowu says:

I hope Valverde will start Cillessen in today's game. Cillessen needs to be considered in a tournament.

Vladmir T Tomuseni says:

It seems to me like a really tricky game, but all the same i think a win is on the the way.

its upto Papa Thiago and the team to give us the 3 nill score line we all waiting for.

Adel Assakarah says:

Barcelona 3-1 juventus messi score 1 Suarez 2 higuain

Tanmay Viraj G says:

I think we can start a front three of Dembele, Messi and Deulofeu. Suarez isn't in his best form and also doesn't look so fit. Ofc we can sub out dembele or Deulofeu later. And for the other subs, I think Denis should get a chance and come in for Iniesta while Roberto or Gomes can come in for Rakitic. Although I feel that Valverde will bring on Paulinho for Busquets. Anyway I hope we win this! Visca el Barca

Callme Predator says:

time for fucking revenge !!!!!!

Messi Legacy says:

Hyped. Nothing else. Just hyped

pizzo wizzo says:

I wish to see Lionel scores today…..

doctorstream 212 says:

Talk FCB where you from bro ??

Ali Cina says:

Time for revenge

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