FIFA 19 – Juventus vs Paris Saint Germain | Gameplay HD PS4 PRO

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  • Views:2,073,743 views
  • Categories: juventus


Deb bhattacharya says:

4:13 The face you make when someone farts

Jose Ruiz says:

Wheres manzukich

Çay varsa Çay ver says:

5:02 juve fans what saying

Jay Legacy says:

Would you ever review an autobuyer like FutDroid?

Никита Жолобов says:

Че 2:33

J.N says:

les suportaires de la juventus like

Matt Steaky says:

O jogo tá no brasileiro mas a narração tá em inglês… vc é br ou norte americano?

simo aderkaoui says:

ronaldo gool veru good

Rian jm says:

I like Ronaldo

Gefinho FIFEIRO says:

Fala amigo, sou o gefinho fifeiro, queria pedir sua ajuda para se inscreve no meu canal….ajuda ai..
Obrigado mesmo..abração

LUTCHMAN Nicolas says:

it looks better on the ps4 pro than on the normal ps4

2, kafadar Poyraz says:

Ronaldo kalede olmaz

Octavio ruiz Alfonso says:

Ningun comentario en español ?

Eduardo Colunga says:

Juventus jerseys are fire

Сергей Степанов says:

Самый конченый футбол из всей серии, нахуя тут игрок с джойстиком вообще не понятно – комп сам управляет игрой как ему нравится. Реакция комментатора стала хуже, музыка стала хуже, поведение игроков как компьютеру вздумается, а не вам.

Juan Alonso Morales says:

horrible… FIFA is awfull.. PES19 is so better in movement and performance.. i must considerate Fifa has some interesting grafics but the game is horrible

Manuel Rangel says:

I want to play against you

Add Chanel says:


koyilla lovelead says:

ronaldoo fan boi on the controller

Mysara Amani says:

Juventus ronaldo vs paris neymar

Thanh Nguyễn says:

Juventus santigo bernabeu???

Nehru Sulejmani says:

unfair bc he put it to pro mode or semi pro mode and not to legendary or classic I play fifa since 2014 and i know fifa very well

Jakub Michalak says:

Szczęsny 10/10??

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