The 3 Real Madrid players Juventus want to sign – Oh My Goal

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After failing to reach the semi-finals of the 2018-2019 Champions League, Juventus are looking towards the next edition with the same level of ambition: winning the trophy. Signing Cristiano Ronaldo last summer was proof of their desire to win a third European crown. But clearly recruiting CR7 isn’t enough.

As a result, Juve are looking for more players to make up for their shortcomings. Always clever when it comes to the transfer market, the Old Lady have an idea in mind for the summer transfer window: pick up the players that Real Madrid no longer want to keep, surely with the plan of getting some good bargain.


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Oh My Goal says:

Could Juve win the Champions League with these players?

Matteo Casale says:

It will be dog fight between Juve and Napoli for James

The travel buddies says:

James plays for Bayern BTW

Wxnter - Island Royale and Strucid says:

Was expecting Eden Hazard on this list. Not gonna lie..

Itz.Rafael says:

I think Juve might buy Marcelo cause Real bought Mendy

zvodz1 says:

what's the name of the ending song

Thang Khual says:

I like Isco I think he is a very good Center Mid and would help, I also think buying Marcelo or getting him would only make juve better.

An Thai Pham (An) says:

I hate Juventus

Γιωργος Μιχας says:

They also wanted Asensio

Alecz V says:

Imagine a mid field with Isco,Rodriguez and Dybala if he stays
That would a very good midfield

Joseph Fayek says:

why does ancelloti want to buy james for the 3rd time (bayern, real and napoli)

Heather Carter says:

But James Rodriguez does not play for Real Madrid

Thoughtful Thoughts says:

Marcelo will do well at turin

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