Why Juventus play in black and white – Oh My Goal

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Juventus is one of those teams that is immediately recognizable… Why? Well, because of their legendary black and white stripes, of course! But do you know why the team plays with these colors? And beyond that, do you know that the team used to play… in PINK?

You will find that the story behind this jersey begins in 1897, so much happened before Zinédine Zidane, Andrea Pirlo and Cristiano Ronaldo proudly wore the iconic black and white jersey of “The Old Lady”.

Discover the unbelievable story of Juventus’ legendary jersey!


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© Oh My Goal – Jellysmack


BeanHead 54'S says:

Could be Newcastle

Itzz Radar says:

They don’t now. #traditionsmatter

Ikillyoupewpew says:

Quick question, Why do they have mostly White

TheWujuMast3r says:

2 champs league titles in 9 finals!!Yeah,very lucky colours!

Hector 1981 says:

2008 juve play in pink

NinJaBoi says:

John Savage is a badass name

Jeffrey Kazuya says:

so that mean spurs must change their kit colours

Sheka Adams says:

Before watching the vid the colors are for black and white are available

Pep Abukas says:

The 'friendship' between Juventus and Notts county is like a youth (maybe around 20-27) be friend with a boy ( maybe around 7-13)

JJJDj Sjjsjsdj says:

John Savage

Abdi Dahir says:

Why is nobody talking about John savage

Yan's Channel says:


12 year old kid NORMAL says:

2nd place…..that's GREAT isn't it. It's better then nothing

gianis tzioras says:

Guys juventus went to england to play with notts county abd forgot her uniforms in the airport and notts borrowed them black and white colors and they kept this color..thats the story mate

Lee Christie says:

This is so irrelevant

Azfar Plays says:

John savage was savage

bruh button says:

Because they should be in prison lol

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