Barcelona v Juventus 2003 highlights

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The story of Juventus’s UEFA Champions League quarter-final second leg against Barcelona in 2003.


wasi gupito budiarto says:

When Juve was good and barca was bad…

J.Allan Langerhan says:

Looks like a game from early 80,s

Shinoj Nambiar says:

Where is that Juve gone? So efficient,so clinical,so ruthless

DottorStranam0re says:

Com'è andata a Cardiff alla fine?

Abdul Muchid says:

Please your upload Derby Della Madonnina…

The Observer says:

back in the school days, I always fear Zalayeta ruin everyone's favourite football club, especially in Champions League.

Gianfranco Iaia says:

Lol still lost the final

elmartinux says:

Sempre emozionanti le vittorie della Juve nelle finali di Champions League… Ah no, scusate! ?

titojoss says:

2015: Berlín


When the Italian championship was the best in the world.

Cleiton Santos Costa says:

Barcelona x Juventus great game in Champions League 2003

Gabriel Afonso says:

I thought Juve wore white shorts and socks

Luis Fonseca says:

Casillas > Valdez

iloveyouzion1 says:

Look how xavi and co are clapping when davids gets the red…pathetic

dian akun says:

For me this is the best match ever in chamoions league

Franco Bagnasco says:

aguante zalayeta

Natsu Kiiroi says:

Hyuga beat Tsubasa for the first time LOL ?????????????

usep sepiyade says:

Forza juve from indonesia

AC Milan AC Milan96 says:

I miss all legend juventus

Daniela Longhi says:

Juve barca real and bayern the best club in europe the best emotional match

vin's says:

Juve knocked out Barcelona and Real Madrid that year before losing to Milan in the final.

JuniorFranco 1990 says:

El barsa recibiendo ayuditas desde tiempos memorables…!

Giovanni Aj says:


JePatAle2 says:

To win with a cross by Birindelli for Zalayeta shot in gol. Epic

Quattro 4 says:

I remember watching this and the quality was near HD on a digital tv service on a plasma tv. This replay looks like its from the 80s.

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