All Juventus goals 2018/19!

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Every single Juventus goal from the 2018/19 season, including efforts in Serie A, the UEFA Champions League, Coppa Italia and Italian Super Cup.

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Sharmila Moktan says:

Ronaldo and Dybala

sipasert pakse says:

FC from Laos PDR ??

Lion TV & More says:

Juventus buy karamoko dembele from celtic Glasgow. He is 16years old and the new Messi!!!

Gavin McCarthy says:

I love Matuidi's celebration

fikri ruslee7 says:

Against Genoa?Losing 2-0?

mochammad rangga says:

OMG ? CR7 3 VS 0 ATM

Xpl0dingLee 2k says:

Ronaldo's eyes man ?

Stefano Cardinale says:

Per me è da pazzi vendere Cancelo

Kravlou says:

dyabla's goals were beautiful to watch

Tiger Fox says:

Forza napoli ??

Music Feeling says:

Tuyệt vời , I love Juventus ❤️

Joaquin Rodarte says:

Dybala needs a new celebration lol

Forever Juventus Zenit Man UTD Wigan A says:

Forza Juve!

Qazi Sulal says:

All i heard was Ronaldooooooooooooooooooooo


Gobbi di merda, ma la champions dov'è???

Mustafaa 13 says:

Pozdrav iz BOSNE

NoKe says:

We are going to win next UCL!

Young Beast says:

I have been a fan since 2016 it is really amazing how the club has changed congratulations juve

Iceman 10 says:

Vi vergognate al punto da presentare Sarri giovedí alle 11
Roba mai vista ?
E intanto societá muta

Atrattore Scimmia says:

4:41 guardate come è contento lui è uno che ama davvero il calcio

IntelligentSnail says:

Yeah dybala!

Roberto Sartoni says:

Music at 9:44 anyone?

Ton Mustofa says:

Forza Juventus!

Aiysha Muhas says:

Which is the best goal?

Ale z says:

Dopo questo video sto rivalutando la stagione di Dybala

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