Juventus FC Squad Pre-season 2019/20

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Juventus FC Squad Pre-season 2019/20
Juventus Squad season 2019/20


PM says:

Can Juve win Champions League this season?

Mutua 1951 says:

mutua juve grande squadra

Otello Menchini says:

siete i puforti.sempre forza.juve

Otello Menchini says:

sei la .più Brava

Jilali Bourbate says:

De ligt where boss

Tino Terazzi says:

Pagata dagli italiani

Advije Qahili says:

No can't win because Barcelona. Real Madrid. Liverpool are the best

Khadar Maxamuud says:

Where is de ligt? I miss that guy he will be one of the best defenders of the word.

Freddy Sebie says:

Buffon should resign by now

Lezione di Italiano, Storia e Geografia says:

Non ci sono più Spinazzola Barzagli e Caceres

Shijal Bista says:

Juventus can u beat barca club in ucl?

thegamers mule/bianchi says:

Rabiot 1 milione?

R.febriansyah 2108 says:

De ligh mana

Saad Sarwar says:

The fcks de ligt at..

S. RAMOS says:

Come to neymar juventus

Danilo Fragale says:

Gonzalo numero 21

Hossam Tarek says:

فين دي ليخت

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