Why on earth is Juventus spelled with a 'J' if the letter doesn't exist in the Italian alphabet?

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uventus are the most popular and the most hated club in Italy. Their successes, their players, their stadium, their colors and their logo: The Old Lady leaves no one indifferent in more senses than one.

In 2017, Juve change their logo, by putting an emphasis on the letter J and the black and white of the club. But do you know why they have a “J” in their name? Because there’s a story behind this letter.


Akhtar Sulheri says:

0:17 i saw a j above

Obed Martinez says:

What is the soundtrack for this vid

SugoiRyan says:

Ugh ronaldo's son please dont
And only talent is Kean

SugoiRyan says:

Means youth, wanted to rely on their youth haha while their nickname is the Old Lady


Please make :
What the hell happened to Falcao ?
In past he was an excellent player , but now it's just , let's say , a good striker

1,000 subs no vids says:

Every time I hear CR7 sons name I get cancer


or I'll eat your dick

no I ain't gay

You're supposed to not want me to eat your dick

Xavi Neira says:

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the player that will take over the Messi era. This kid will probably become the next big thing… if there is one person who might beat Messi in all his records it could be this boy. If he’s as focused as his father and dedicated to the sport he can be better than his father and perhaps better than Messi.

Wilber Portillo says:

How did this turn out to be about that kid

Azry Huzairy says:

When the channel have no idea of what video to make

Cristiano Dichen says:


JLDoggard says:

The new badge sucks. The previous one was far better.

Nicksterv Hater says:

2:29 I bet Cristiano jr is in the 9 yr old army

beer tooth says:

So they bought Ronaldo and got Ronaldo Jr as a bonus /free?

*Luca* says:

Because it's not Juventus,its Rubentus

i MuG says:

if u missing j u missing L's

i MuG says:

They do love wrong, hence why roma is amore backwards. in other words they don't have love. just hate

i MuG says:

it would be replaced by double L's… so it really means love in twos


Do what the hell is happening to Jerome boeteng or why is there welsh teams in the English leagues?

Sourish Saha says:

so Juventus is getting help from 2 CR7 s?!?

Sourish Saha says:

CR7 is the best

Tora Chan says:

Because they are a huge JOKE, with a capital J

peepers says:

What the hell happened to the narrator???

Anita Danu says:

Why Messi is not changing his club

Josh Playz says:

Cristiano Jr will never be the same as CR7

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