José Mourinho Offending Juventus 2018 Champions League

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José Mourinho teasing and offending the Juventus fans and Juventus team after winning the match against Juventus 2018 UCL( Champions League)


bhushan patil says:

Many a times muriniho punished by Cristiano still he is not behaving himself

Fernando M.F. says:

hehehjehehe special one. come onn

Ichsanul Fikri says:

The most embarassing match for juventus of all time, with all the superstars can't even beat man utd with poor performance

spartacusale says:

José Mourinho uomo di merda !!!!

player friends says:

Poi murinho se le presa in culo da ronaldo

Davor Boban says:

In one word: GOD!

LuXuS says:

One of my proudest moments of Jose Mourinho.

Liam EFC says:

Not a fan of Jose but I loved this. Triggered everybody.

LMGGAE 07 says:

Juventino brucia all'inferno

xo nex says:

Love or hate Mourinho. He was accurate about utd

Kempesis says:



Dybala bimbominkia

Taf says:

They dissed him so he also has the right to diss back.

Stefano Cappelletti says:

Juve vergogna

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