Why do Juventus have an Italian target on their shirt? – Oh My Goal

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There’s probably nothing more emblematic of a club than its logo and jersey. This season, Juventus’ shirts are marked with a distinct, Italy-colored symbol — a special badge. It’s not the first time; both Inter Milan and AC Milan have done something similar before.

But why ARE there a target and the Italian flag on the Juventus jersey? Find out in this new video!


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Alex Ramirez says:

So, who gets to wear the badge for the Coppa Italia for 2019/2020?

Everardo Peña says:

They have a italian target on the shirt because juventus is a part of italy

Eliad654 says:

I think Turkey does something similar..? I'm not sure. It is cool though, and more leagues should do that.

Pina Colada says:

I'm in love with Oh My Goal!???

Rob soccer says:

What happened to chicarito?

Juan Mejia says:

I thought Atlanta played in the mls ?

João Leitão says:

In Portugal we also use a badge that represents the portuguese coat of arms that is located on the flag. But the champion only uses it in Portugal.

hi itsme says:

I like how its always been there and only when ronaldo joined an italian club are they given more attention lol Ronaldo really attracts the media everywhere lol.

Zhiro Dlshad says:

Why your channels name is oh my goal

robert ingram says:

They sure missed the target ? against Ajax.

Caleb Shaw says:

nottingham forest where 2 stars above their crest to represent their champions league titles

NewClouds says:

They also put the national flag on club football jerseys, no one else does that I think

lalurux marelix says:

As roma wore it 10 times

Guilherme Campos says:

Filmed vertically…

Heroes Eternity says:

why there are flower-likes badges on some england jersey/manager vest and sweater

Roeen Zahid says:

guys sub to me im thirsty

kingm 2231 says:

what is the background song?

Tanmaya Patel says:

The creators of this channel are rude, igoistic and stubborn. Many people kept asking the details of a song they had put in David Beckham's video but they never responded to any of the queries made by numerous people. This shows how much arrogant these people are.

Jorn Otten says:

the netherlands has it also that if you won the previous competiotion you got a golden 'eredivisie' badge.

massimo mannino says:

They always eff up something. It’s ATALANTA

Manuel Salvi says:

Atalanta not Atlanta

Ermal Koxhaj says:

Do why does van dijk always wear long sleeves plz

Leonard Goduni says:

I know why, the only problem with it is that it's on the wrong side of the body! Should be on the other side, that's where they should be shot,a bit harsh i know but necessary.

GamingWithJosh - Awesome Gameplay says:

What the hell happened to Courtois??

Like so Oh My Goal can see

johnny flappie says:

Why did Juventus change their logo? And Why did the fans take that shit ?

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