KSI's Road To Wembley | Arsenal v Bayern Munich

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KSI is in London for Arsenal’s champions league match vs Bayern Munich. Subscribe to Copa90: http://bit.ly/SPnPcY. Watch The Beast get hyper, challenge a local gamer at Fifa 13 & cause havoc in the city. KSI will be travelling to Champions League games & playing Fifa 13 against fans from the city. Don’t miss it!


Aayan Faisal says:

who's somehow here after the rematch with logan paul

BK C says:

This series was so good

Curry Muncher gamer says:

how is adams apple in this

trololol says:

OMG KSi Oh Leh Dej You are so Kool an Hyper!! OMG You humpt that Lion it was so Lit up Jake Paul style!!! So funni and Hilarious OMG!! This is cutting edge!!


Why is a ksi video on this channel?

Mix says:

2018… damn life comes at you fast :3

will bailey says:


Play Around says:

The only one who knows him is an old woman

Hafidz Hernandar says:

Miss Old Ksi

The Greek Freak says:

1:27 he looks like the guy that laughed when the fat guy made jokes

Elite Celery says:

Back from when i watched every ksi video that was released. <3

Souf Terminator96 says:

Any1 still watching this in 2017?? #bringBackOldKSI

maze T says:

mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm classic KSI

awesome1ru says:

3-1 lose home lol better than 5-1

FIREBLADE103 says:

now if he stood in public he would be swarmed by people!

JBHD1 says:

no it is not

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