Cristiano Ronaldo and Aaron Ramsey score for Juventus in win vs. Hellas Verona | Serie A Highlights

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An Aaron Ramsey debut goal and a Cristiano Ronaldo penalty were enough for Juventus to secure a 2-1 victory over a plucky Hellas Verona at the Allianz Arena in Turin.

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The Don says:

Adam Ramsey scores then José jose passes away Rip

DLlive R says:

They only reason I watch Juventus games are because of Cristiano let’s be honest

YoMelody says:

Brooo the producer of the Simpson's and Rick and Morty passed away after Aaron Ramsey scored the goal

Monét Monét says:

Someone's gonna die……

Rey pineda says:

Cristiano Ronaldo the best of the world

wanderlust_feline says:

0:41 I didn't know Robert De Niro was coaching soccer now

Malai Samy Ramamoorthy says:

PK credit should have gone to the player number 16. why not giving a change to whoever earned it? CR7 is great but there other players should be treated fairly as well.

Get_ WRX says:

The PK and the shot after the PK was some EA FIFA BULL SH!T

crldnlc says:

Nobody cares about penalty kicks

zeuk langly says:

I see somebody look like Ronaldo in Dallas fair okas did any one see him he look like him

JP11 says:

0:49 ? what is this? Fifa 19? Hahaha

Bino Baba says:

All i want to know is how much longer will Buffon continue to play at this level?

YourAsianComrade 27 says:

Who died after Ramsay’s goal

Ays Perez says:

This is how you know Ronaldo is trash when he takes someone else’s penalty and Messi gives his penalty because he already has a lot of goals

Adam Springler says:

The footballer equivalent of the grim reaper has arrived in Italy.

Jessy Ventura says:

verona goal was such a FIFA sequence

infinite susano says:

1:28 and they gonna add that on Ronaldo's assist list. Smh


Juventus winning like they're supposed to.

Tokyo Drift says:

0:44 messi taking a penalty. You're welcome barka fans.

Kidcomedy 22 says:

Bro I’m so happy for Rambo ? miss him so much but happy for him gets to play with one of the best CR7!!

HellyHansen Jeff says:

First those juventus kits are nice… but look at the referee kit he is fireeeeee out there

Forever Gooner says:

PK Merchants of the decade.
1. CR7
2. Harry Kane
10. Pogba

Supreme Kai says:

I can tell you Sari ain't a good coach
Juventus think they're gonna win champions league naaa Man city will this year and I'm a Manchester united fan

PVP says:

0:49 this whole sequence is literally fifa ?

dvdesprza says:

So weird seeing ramsey in a juve jersey

Gabriel M says:

ngl i actually thought Ronaldo scored an actual goal for once but nope just a pk

Derek Maldonado says:

Which celebrity is gonna die

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