RONALDO HAT TRICK! Cristiano Ronaldo & Juventus dominate Cagliari in 4-0 win | Serie A Highlights

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Juventus open up 2020 with a bang, beating Cagliari 4-0 in a match that saw Cristiano Ronaldo score three goals and set up Gonzalo Higuain for the fourth.

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Jaelyn Buenger says:

Can you please pass this message to cristiano ronaldo because he is my hero and I will do anything to make him meet me please my hope please do this please all I'm asking for

S B says:

this is probably the only hairstyle ronaldo has done that i dislike on him.

Rick Lewis says:

I wonder if he used a tampon rapper to tie up his pony tail?

Drod Playz says:

0:28 ronaldos hair took the pain

joshua2010660 says:

higuain's gotta be goal of year

bil1975H Haz says:

Es un ANIMAL…..!!!

Ragu Z says:

He looks like Sokka with that new hairdo. ?

lee reh says:

Love ron. But that hair is atrocious

BROKEN E.G.G says:

Boy I scored 6 -0 on Juventus on FIFA tho with Cagliari

Fai says:

Scores ONE hat-trick in like 60 gsmes with Juve…
Ronaldo fans: GOAT!

Salvador Garcia says:

Real madrid energy hearing this from 2 originals… showing italy how its done

RedEyePergo says:

That first goal was a retarded pass by the defender. They teach you not to pass across the middle of your own box in peewees !

Kande Monroy says:

Costa blew his siiii chance lol

Michael Hurlburt says:

I wish I lived in a soccer country. I’m from America…

Jonathan Soto says:

Lol serie a seems so slow paced

Wanda Rebiejo says:

Thank God Serie A doesn't have VR.

TK says:

Ummm meh…against Barcelona would be worth getting excited for. It’s just Cagliari.

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