PES 2017 Legends Classic Roma vrs Classic Juventus Full Match

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A dull and dreary first half. But the match comes alive in the second half with a brilliant goal from Batistuta. From then on one team dominates. Skip to second half 9:00

This is a legends match between Roma and Juventus. Teams and players made by myself, h777man, ratmundo and pesunilegends.

PES 2017 PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER!/en-gb/tid=CUSA04957_00


Beeman Cucs says:

Zebina, Emerson ? you gotta be shitting me, those two are traitor of Roma.

Nene Jime Valen says:

para cuando la segunda entrega de equipos clasicc gracias

Marlon Charneski says:

Quando vai sair o opcional file v2?super ansioso…

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