Juventus 1-2 Manchester United – Full Post Match Press Conference – Champions League

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Jose Mourinho reacts to his side’s late 2-1 win against Juventus in Turin. Manchester United are now second in their Champions League group with seven points.

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James Zack says:

they bought THAT player (cristiano ronaldo)

Dakhil Alsubaie says:

Take and go inspiration ?️‍♂️

Dakhil Alsubaie says:

+شركة الكهرباء السعودية انتبه عليها لا تطلع شريفة الى يوم القيامة في محكمة العقربية ماشافها في ساحة محكمة العقربية يمكن نشوف ?‍♀️? رايح لمسجد الحسين عليه السلام..

lreaning 20 says:

Profitable site for investment


MadJuvefan says:

Mourinho wishes he was Italian

Claude Diogo says:

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Bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.


Friend Nature says:

La ridicola pseudo-giornalista spagnola che critica Mourigno per la reazione contro la merda dei tifosi della rube! Che figata 2 sonore sberle sul muso della banda merdanera e sui sempre più anti-sportivi fanatici merdanero della rube che hanno ragliato i loro beceri cori deliranti per 94° minuti contro Maurigno! Merde di fanatici razzisti rincoglioniti da radiare a tempo indeterminato! E lui ve l' ha messo bene in culo nello stadio 'Ndranghedus! Il Valencia vince le prossime due, il Manchester ne vince una e voi della rube le perdete ambedue e siete fuori dai giochi. Ha, ha che risate con i burattini della rube caga-addosso eliminati nel girone. Non mancava la sceneggiata egocentrica della merda criminale evasore- stupratore che fa il solito saltimbanco infrociato mostrando la panza! La champion non la ruberete manco in altri 121 anni di ladrate! Che schifo che fate voi gobbi giullari!


Ferguson was good manager, but not great. There were no proper financial regulations. So Fergie used to buy and sell with a flick of the finger. Now, it is impossible. Last year, we had lots of weaknesses, but because we defender more, we had lots of cleans sheets. It helped us to climb the league. I am curious, what would be better, if Manchester United play in Champions League final this year or top 2 finish in the premier league??? What do you think#??


Bring Icardi for 120 million in January, and bring central defender to give us better rotation, and we will be top 2 again this season!!!

Daniel Victor says:

I can't believe some people are saying this Man United squad is bad… every single position has a top player what the hell!


Mou can be comfortable to insult people and show disrespectful gesture with no rampage from him, but when others react or act in such manner he would hold to anger and start behaving like an animal.

Ibe7 Edeh says:

I wish my man Mourinho did more to hurt them enemies heart! Ahahahaha… I'm waiting also to hear if they still makes comments! Useless fans of Juventus, who has no respect! I love Mourinho, I love Manchester United and I Love Manchester United true fans

Stefano baldoni says:

Pathetic clown multi milionar i wish a karma

خالد الشمري says:

Good coach where ever he go make strong team

Fancyslimshady says:

Are you serious ? It was a fluke accident .. LUCK! That you beat the team dominating you all game -_-

The Optimist- M.S NCAMA says:

Useless manager



Tabs T says:

"jose why are you breathing oxygen"?

Mente Mystyka says:

Fuck Mourinho!

sperrotta91 says:

Jose is a wind-up merchant. Part of it is an act, part of it is true to his nature. Just not a particularly decent human being… imagine genuinely liking the man with his catalogue of scumbag moments…

P JT says:

La puta prensa española siempre queriendo chingar la puta madre. Cómo me cagan

Hugo c says:

Orgulho, mas já reparaste te perfeitamente que fizeste borrada.

Dan quar says:

juventus most scandalous team in the world,last year they had more yellow and red cards in Champions then 36 matches in serie A,thats why they're big losers…i love Mou how he's sink.

William Grudge Junior says:

wtf is this guy on ? its started going crazy .the team you got must play for the trophy . alexis pogba matic lukaku de gea rashford bailly ; get the fuck out of here with your horse shit

Lego Head says:

Interpreter here. The interpreter was shocking. Almost amature level

TrashCanDatNoOb Wut says:

That translators voice sounds terrible. Whoever did the editing on this should be reprimanded.

S.W.W. says:

I am Portuguese and obviously enjoy watching Portuguese achievements happening with some frequency. However, Mourinho is starting to get on my nerves. He seems like a married man whose wife is not satisfying him and not mentioning Ronaldo's name is just childish and sad! Grow up you idiot!

Thierry Cassauwers says:

This guy is the worst trainer man u has ever had or will ever have

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