He seriously is the coolest 8 year old of all time. Somehow I still feel bad he doesn't know his real mother, though, and it's gotta be an insane amount of hard work and pressure for such a young kid. He deserves to be a star
Stop hyping kids !! God let's enjoy ronaldo ( cr7 ) who is an active player not his good who may be good but might not reach his potential and succumb under pressure
Bright future I hope he won't be cocky and arrogant when he grows up
He seriously is the coolest 8 year old of all time. Somehow I still feel bad he doesn't know his real mother, though, and it's gotta be an insane amount of hard work and pressure for such a young kid. He deserves to be a star
King of what?? Search for Pietro Tomaselli. Kid has technique and vision of Totti..
Tiene más portadas su hijo que el jaja ponerlo en la champions y así PODRÍA.. PODRIIIIIAAAAAAAAAA… ser que la ganéis. Enga juventinos, un saludo.
Yupo vizuri cr 7 jr
Both the dad and son is over rated
Daddy in the making
Little bastard
حتى هنا و كاين ياخويا ياخويا د2.18
Seria? Wtf is seria?
у него будет стимул в жизни-превзойти отца.надеюсь у него получится и я буду свидетелем этому.успехов и отцу и сыну.
when you are messi fan
He's already better than me. Lol
Serie A, not seria ?
im not afraid to admit that im 13 and he's better than me
Better free kick technique
Scatenate terroni con le offese…w la Juve…
At that age I was better
Like his Idol~~~Lionel Messi??
I have only seen him play one match.. Isnt it too early for king? Maybe start with prince ?
he is not 19
he's son was born in the US… just saying
Nombre de la canción por favor
Stop hyping kids !! God let's enjoy ronaldo ( cr7 ) who is an active player not his good who may be good but might not reach his potential and succumb under pressure