Cristiano Ronaldo Respect For Juventus Players ● Welcome To Juventus • Leave Real Madrid

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Cristiano Ronaldo Respect For Juventus Players ● Welcome To Juventus • Leave Real Madrid


ZenZail says:

Bye ronaldo bye

harry mat says:

Next Zidanne

garnbroek says:

i have always dreamd to see you in my club Ronaldo also want to see Zidane one day in juve. coz we never forget our men. welcome to juve.


Cristiano Ronaldo Respect <3 <3 <3

Saruk Molla says:

welcome cr7?????

Nelson Atui says:

The legend is coming

Marco says:

Sono un Tifoso Viola, pero' mi piace essere obiettivo. Ronaldo non ha mai fallito in carriera e mi sembra come il vino, piu' invecchia e piu' diventa buono !!! E' IL NUMERO UNO AL MONDO !!! PUNTO.

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