NEW Football Shirts 2018/2019 Ft. Man Utd, PSG, Juventus

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NEW Football Shirts 2018/2019 Ft. Man Utd, PSG, Juventus


pipe el arequipe ledezma Delgado says:

Mi favorita es de la juventus

Adam Eissa says:

Man city is so sick brah

Jorn Werkman says:


Syed Danish says:

My favorite shirt is PSG

Aylan Sebboua says:

M'y favourite psg

Sergio Ramos says:

Juventus and Roma

Romeo Di Serafino says:

Chelsea shirt is very nice

Enzo Vata says:

My favourite shirt is PSG (I‘m Barcá fan)

Silent Hell says:

ازنخ شي لباس مانشستر يونايتد

FTZ 's says:


Ishmam Beg says:

Manchester United

Aljaž Golob says:

My favorite shirt psg

Gamer Jonny says:

Umm Liverpool

JR Games says:

Barcelona ?

Simone Orofino says:

My favourite shirts psg and Chelsea

Youssef Attar says:

Utd ,Chelsea and PSG

Eslam polpol global says:

Juvents & parcelona

Marcela Garsia says:

Mansas camiseetas

Ngapulisa Sitepu says:

Man United From Indonesia Fan.

Charlie DeKlerk says:

Chelsea & PSG

Hakan Baran Alkan says:

Roma and Paris Saint Germain Wonderfull

Berrin Karan says:

City and psg

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