Juventus FC | Storia Di Un Grande Amore | Futbol is Epic! | Immediate

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Futbol is Epic! – a collection of favorite 15 European team anthems is now available! Download or purchase in the EU and globally at: http://bit.ly/fieamazonde or http://bit.ly/fieitunesde and http://bit.ly/imperativadownloads and in N. America via: http://bit.ly/futbolisepicitunes or http://bit.ly/futbolisepicamzn
These top European anthems have been paid tribute by Immediate; the pioneers of Epic Music. Official album release date is Feb. 12, 2016. ©Imperativa Records – The Home of Epic Music.

Con testo (with lyrics): http://bit.ly/storiacontesto

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Check out the MAKING OF ‘’FUTBOL IS EPIC!’’ Italian subtitled version here:http://bit.ly/1Q7K3yg

Check out the MAKING OF ‘’FUTBOL IS EPIC!’’ English subtitled version here: http://bit.ly/1PARDWl

Check out the MAKING OF ‘’FUTBOL IS EPIC!’’ German subtitled version here: http://bit.ly/1JYRyeN

Check out the MAKING OF “FUTBOL IS EPIC!” Spanish subtitled version here: http://bit.ly/1QvtpsZ

Check out the MAKING OF ‘’FUTBOL IS EPIC!’’ French subtitled version here: http://bit.ly/1UZqg8w

Check out the Video-Single ”You’ll Never Walk Alone” here – http://bit.ly/1SxUWjZ

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Vocalist: Scott Ciscon

DISCLAIMER: Should you have any claims or concerns regarding this upload, please contact us first.


Girello Tube says:

Awesome! Compliment for song guys!

El Jamri Abderrahim says:

Cha api dandosi

Amine Elfahsi says:

3aynk mezank

enpy era says:

Like if globus sent you

Fujimarupes says:

Nice vid.
I like song :)) Juve Storia Di Un Grande Amore

Maria Loreto Ochoa says:

Cati Pedro

Nadia muraca says:

Chi è che canta?

Nicola Bordanza says:

Bianco Neri si nasce o si diventa?

Rul Toys says:


franek pp says:

Love this song. I love Juve but today my favorite Barca will (I hope) win.

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