Buffon To PSG ,Ronaldo To Juventus ,Mahrez To Man city And Confirmed Summer Transfers

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Buffon To PSG ,Ronaldo To Juventus ,Mahrez To Man city And Confirmed Summer Transfers
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DABB- FIFA n' PUBG Mobile Content says:

At 1:00 it's Kevin Prince Boateng to Sassuolo

Adi wadihun ajis says:

Gooooo.cr7 ronaldo

Ziddu700 gaming says:

How many years Buffon is??

Salih Gökçe says:

Wilshere fenerbahçe

Βασω Λαμπροπουλου says:

Sokratis P
no Papadopoulos

FBR _Konosdim7 says:

0:52 Sokratis Papastathopulos

Fortniteplayer winner says:

His name is Sokratis Papastathopoulos you called him papadopoulos .

Pun Master says:

Buffon still plays he's like 40 years old?
And rafael marquez can't play anymore and he's 38 or 39 years old ?

Not Giving My Real Name says:

psg will win cl

Jacek Karbowniczyn says:

OMGGG I didn’t know these things!!?!!!?

TheTendy 1 says:

Ronaldo’s traded!?! If so, yess and NEYMAR or HAZARD to MADRID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jamie Lowe says:

What's the song name. Well catchy

St0ne says:

So Monaco is a satellite team of Atlético Madrid

Also it's Bernd Leno
And Hradecky to Bayer Leverkusen
And Salif Sané to Schalke 04

Yasuo Main says:

Buffon psg??…

bbh gamer says:

Sokratis Papadopoulos xD

AlexWweFan4 ever says:

All those fake tears just to get rid of juventus lmaooooooo…. Its real and official for both of them

Oh Yeah yeah says:

0:55 papastathopoulos not papadopoulos

Yousef Abdallah says:

ايه اسم الموسيقى المستخدمة

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