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0:38 69th minute? XD
Bruttissimo ???
Just cartoons… 1sugestion… Please lengthen the Vdo… They are funny but short??? ngu
442oons is better
Nije Bajer minhem pobjedio nego Juventus
Wolałbym żeby neuer grał w Barcelonie
Fa schifo chiesto video
Bun ne lan oç fuckyo bayer munih
Bayer Härter du Arsch
Ich find das nicht so witzig wenn man sich über einen andaren verein lustig macht ?
record often about the Lewandowski pleats
it's just a cartooon but it's really funny. big thinks to your channel. good contuniation
Just cartoons… 1sugestion… Please lengthen the Vdo… They are funny but short???
Voi ridete ma saremo noi a ridere fra qualche anno con la Champions fra le mani e voi al sesto posto (in Italia) o vincendo un solo campionato (all'estero)
Das ist unverschemt gegen den andaren gegenüber
This is what happened
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0:38 69th minute? XD
Bruttissimo ???
Just cartoons… 1sugestion… Please lengthen the Vdo… They are funny but short??? ngu
442oons is better
Nije Bajer minhem pobjedio nego Juventus
Wolałbym żeby neuer grał w Barcelonie
Fa schifo chiesto video
Bun ne lan oç fuckyo bayer munih
Bayer Härter du Arsch
Ich find das nicht so witzig wenn man sich über einen andaren verein lustig macht ?
record often about the Lewandowski pleats
it's just a cartooon but it's really funny. big thinks to your channel. good contuniation
Just cartoons… 1sugestion… Please lengthen the Vdo… They are funny but short???
Voi ridete ma saremo noi a ridere fra qualche anno con la Champions fra le mani e voi al sesto posto (in Italia) o vincendo un solo campionato (all'estero)
Das ist unverschemt gegen den andaren gegenüber
This is what happened