Believe In Her (Juventus-song)

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My song about Juve, the grand old lady of Italian football. It was written post-calciopoli, and it is a tribute to Juve, Del Piero and the other heroes who stayed with us despite Juve being relegated to Serie B.

Tributo alla Juve, a Del Piero ed agli altri eroi, che hanno aiutato la nostra squadra quando siamo stati relegati alla Serie B.

Believe In Her (melody and lyrics by Gisle Grimstad)

A graceful lady dressed in black and white
was disgraced in the shadows by diabolical knights
They stripped her of her jewlery
and forced her down
as the black and blue vulture just stole her crown.

And I, I do believe in her
I do believe
Her heart is pure
And I’ll never give up on her
She’ll stay in my heart, forever more
That’s for sure

The witchhunt caused her pain
She was in agony
Il Professore just barely survived you see
Her back against the wall
her feet tied tightly to the floor
A group of heroes untied her and opened the door

And they, they do believe in her
They do believe
Her heart is pure
And they’ll never give up on her
They’ll stay in our hearts, forever more
That’s for sure

Il numero dieci, Pinturicchio
Il capitano, nostra bandiera, Il fenomeno vero
He never lets her down
He always stays there by her side
A true champion
who saved her, as she was caught by the tide

And he, he does believe in her
He does believe
Her heart is pure
And he’ll never give up on her
He’ll stay in our hearts, forever more
That’s for sure

The old lady stands tall (Forza Juve, Forza Juve!)
Once again she’s the queen of the ball
(Forza Juve, Forza Juve!)
Now she’s gonna beat them all
She’s gonna beat them all

And we, we all believe in her
We all believe
Her heart is pure
And we’ll never give up on her
She’ll stay in our hearts, forever more
That’s for sure


Ove Jalops says:

For en låt! Forza Juve! Venn av Aleks

trygve loberg says:

Dette er sjukt Gisle -venn av aleks

Aleksander Grimstad says:

Gisle, glemte helt den sagen her ass, lyrikken er jo drøy. Det var drit fint. FORZA JUVE

H Yasnser says:

Nice forza JUVENTUS tomorrow

aa1897aa says:

Awesome .. Amazing .. Great job .

Fooooorza Juveeeeeee
And we will be back .. Soon .

Martino_NOTW says:

By any choice do you have the chords to this song, I wanna play it in guitar

Peter Sørensen says:

Fantastic song, I Truely feel your love and passion of our club, My deepest respect. FORZA JUVE!

MaKi JuveForza says:

FORZA JUVE !!!!!!!

Diego Gallo says:

Great song! It help us to remember where we were back then and most important where we are now! 

Andrea Mari says:

Mi mette sempre i brividi…

IP Nova says:

Great song…
Juve always be the true champions forever ^_^

Dimitris ULTRA' Bianconero says:


Pierpaolo Gattari says:

I'm proud to be a Juventus supporter specially after this song thank you 🙂

MITP10 says:

NOW 31!!!


Raul Martins Dias says:

Eventually everything that is sung in this song has come true. The Old Lady is once again the queen of the ball. And the crown can be won once again next sunday. FORZA JUVE!!!

Gunnar N says:

Jeg sier bare sannheten!

Gunnar N says:

That`s my friends brother!

MITP10 says:

This is absolutely brilliant. You have a wonderful voice, combined with those lyrics, it's just a magnificent song

Simon Wiwak says:

forzaaa juve—- i love this song forza juve

juveiceman says:

Great song!! It was written post-calciopoli, showing you are a TRUE JUVENTINO inside!! FORZA JUVE 4EVER, OUR MAGICAL TEAM!! 30 CAMPIONI!!

Ahmed Janahi says:

Forza Juve from Bahrain <3 !

Maometto Fizzinero says:


BasilOfficial says:

that brought a tear in to my eyes.. The old lady stands tall (Forza Juve, Forza Juve!)
Once again she's the queen of the ball, (Forza Juve, Forza Juve!), Now she's gonna beat them all, She's gonna beat them all, we have and we will for a Long time to come! Well done great Lyrics, and realy talented singer and you are very good at playing the piano.

Jackass1234576 says:

Juventus-Atalanta. This was the last match of Pinturicchio with Juventus. Thanks Alex. :'(

Raul Martins Dias says:

As you told, "she's gonna beat them all", and she's beaten them all. And it's just the beginning. FORZA JUVE!!!

AlexXxmemo says:

oooooooooooooohhh great voice 🙂

forzaa juve

Andrea Mari says:

Questo pezzo è fisso sul mio ipod da un paio d'anni… mi mette sempre i brividi…

Marco Milani says:

Campioni d'Italia! Ancora una volta, la trentesima! Grazie Pinturicchio78!

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