Pablo Moreno – Welcome to JUVENTUS – | Skills & Goals 2017 / 2018 HD |

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Pablo Moreno – Welcome to JUVENTUS – | Skills & Goals 2017 / 2018 HD |

IMPORTANT NOTICE ( COPYRIGHTNOTICE ) : If you ever wish for video to be taken down,please ask. I will take it down immediately. All i ask is that you contact me before filling a claim. I have worked really hard to make this channel and it vill be very sad to lose it because of something very trivial like that . THANKS FOR COOPERATION


//// MADRIDISTA //// says:


Jose Miguel Montenegro Rodriguez says:

Se parece al niño torres de niño

MikeStrong_YT says:

Questo se diventa più forte potrebbe essere l erede di dybala!

D V says:

Basta con sti bidoni messicani, non li vogliamo!

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