Valencia vs. Juventus Champions League Group Stage FULL Match Highlights: 0-2

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Cristiano Ronaldo receives a red card early in the first half, but Juventus still defeat Valencia 2-0 in their opening Champions League group stage match in Valencia.

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Fly ._.genius says:

When was this

don't check my channel says:

Fuck Valencia ?

Pierce Pereira says:

The Valencia fans were so happy when Ronaldo got sent off only to realise

_1 Dance68 says:

Wtf how is that a straight red what is going on with these shitty refs

Phillip Oukh says:

why is juventus playing badly, but they still won

esteban rodriguez says:

Alright I'm gonna say it, everyone sleeps on Ronaldo he set 2 goals literally to the point where yoi just tap them in something any high class player should be able to score and this isn't the first time this happens big fan of both Juve and Ronaldo but they need to step it up especially if we wanna see them win

timmyl says:

Absolutely pathetic from Valencia to let a 10- man Juve score 2 pens against them in 60 minutes after that red card. AT HOME! They should be getting all 3 pts.

Ali Taha says:

This is by far the worst soccer match I've ever watched and no I'm not with Valencia

Kevin Leon says:

Penaldo must be crying he missed out on two penalties lmfaoooo

SoccerEssential13 says:

From a Barca fan, really piss poor ref

Alvaro Rey says:

Red! Why? Who agrees that is not a red card?

Diego Cornejo says:

Guys the defender pretended like ronaldo pushed him down so ronaldo tapped his head to get up because he was faking it, that ref is bad.

tnx twins says:


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