Block Craft 3D JUVENTUS Logo

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#BlockCraft3D #MobileGameplay
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Download Now Block Craft 3D

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:- Amazing buildings in 3D
Ready? Block? Go! Learn the game by building your house, a fortress or a mine… Decorate your building with your furniture with your own skins! Play now one of the best construction games!

Lots of Pets and free exploration
Play with pets! Adopt a dog, a cat or even an elephant! Unlike other block games, there are no monsters in Block Craft 3D: you can focus on constructing the best buildings or exploring the world.

Multiplayer game: visit your friends
Start the exploration! You can visit the city built by your friends (or foes) and help them finish their construction. Multiplayer is so much fun!

Create and sell
In Block Craft, no need for mods, launcher or PE. You can create the custom blocks, craft special furniture or complete blueprint of building! And even better: sell those and receive lots of gems!

Not so creative?
In Block Craft 3D, no need for maps, just visit the village of your friends to get new ideas and follow the blueprints and guides to easily build fantastic constructions.

Block Craft is one of the best building games! Try this simulator now and have fun building your city!


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rayanne arao says:

Please Like on village Torchland

HuskyGGaming says:

How did you know Juventus was my favorite team ?

What the fry should i change my name to?! says:

Really?this is old…

Rayan Saudi says:

PSG Minecraft

aiman rafizzi says:

intro song??? please

Jack Handson says:

Gaming Superman please make Logo football club JOHOR DARUL TA'ZIM please…..????????? please
and share your building

Lucia Perez Garrido says:

Gaming Superman para el próximo video haz como una piscina o algo de agua y que haya una casacada grandísima y te tiras o un parque acuático con un tobogan grande de agua y te tiras muchas gracias me encantan tus videos sigue asi eres genial ❤❤?

Marco Antonio Silva says:


Prince KN Gaming says:

First song:On & On

divirtiendote y aprendiendo con Karen says:

6 comeet Like si ya visitantes su aldea yo ya


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