Bayer Leverkusen 0-2 Juventus: Champions League Recap with Goals, Highlights and Best Moments

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Full highlights as Juventus ease through to the last 16 of the Champions League with a 2-0 win over Bayer Leverkusen in Germany.


STOPInvadingMYPrivacy says:

why do you assholes always have to include the scoreline in the title?

Samuel Allen says:

Ronaldo seems like such a bad teammate lmfao – only happy for himself

Qishi Li says:

Buffon still playing????

kato semulya says:

Dybala and ronaldo make team

Aztec says:

Demiral and De Ligt the future for Juve defense

Abdou Messaoudi says:

Why Ronaldo was waving to the second referee when higuain scored

Arnold Rosing says:

Cristiano and his tap ins. Like always.. WEAK

Fatah Norris says:

Man of The Match : Demiral, The Defenders are so strong like wall ???

KioTi says:

Higuain best striker in the world

Casio Curious says:

Ronald is selfish man.

Reynaldo Abadia says:

Damn Leverkusen really blew that one

Olga Ramos says:

Buffon is back?

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