Hard yards and Crossbar Challenge for Juventus internationals!

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Juventus international players take part in their first training session at the JTC in Continassa.

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  • Views:2,313,079 views
  • Categories: juventus


James Allen says:

Viva Mexico!

TheProLegit Gamer says:

Siiiii i made 4 videos about his move to juva say what you think about it(:

Moiz Shah says:

Love u cr7…

Marcos Gamer_YT says:

Hala Madrid

Ivan serpico says:

Anche io voglio il talismano

npl viral says:

I love cr becoz he moved juvantus….

giucast gamer says:

Ronaldo fa schifo padoin

giucast gamer says:

Scherzavo padoin no ronaldo

giucast gamer says:

Padoin no Cr7 siiii

Javier Ramirez says:

Im subscribing only because of Cristano Ronaldo 7.

Face 25 says:

E piu forte MESSI!!!!!!!!!

Face 25 says:

Ronaldo SCHIFOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

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