Cristiano Ronaldo ● Welcome To Juventus – All Goals Vs Juventus

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Cristiano Ronaldo ● Welcome To Juventus – All Goals Vs Juventus

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Tobu – Candyland

Real Madrid, Juventus


Wrzzer says:

Welcome to Juventus, Cristiano!

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Moise Schneidet says:

good ronaldo

Andrea TV hu says:

Welcome RONALDO!!!


taime. C. Ronodo

Dragica Anic says:

Ronaldo Juventus

Alex Legović says:

Lets go CR7???

Thoufeek K.p says:

Ronaldo is the best

Drazen Cikos says:

An alavju ronaldo

Tapan Kumar Banik says:

I want to see whether Cristiano in juventus success or not ! He is very much know his performance in 33 years.It is absolutely good for Real Madrid for his transfer to Juventus.He has no faith/love for Club . But as a player he is best for goal scorer in this time either head or frikik.

La fourchette d'or says:

Ronaldo tueur of goal

La fourchette d'or says:

vivant Ronaldo winner réal Madrid champion league

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