Look at all those tourists. Real madrid is an incredible team and club, most likely the best in the world. But for god's sake, if you know anything about the culture, support your local team. They just cheer for madrid because its the best club in the world. No heart behind it at all.
Real madrid

Look at all those tourists. Real madrid is an incredible team and club, most likely the best in the world. But for god's sake, if you know anything about the culture, support your local team. They just cheer for madrid because its the best club in the world. No heart behind it at all.
real is better
Mls is a joke league
Liga Mx all stars vs Real Madrid??
Nacho is garbage and bale isn’t fast anymore wtf.
We came long ways , pretty soon we'll have teams of the same caliber
Real Madrid All-star bench players lmao. Asensio's chipsss…. crispier than actual chips
Hala madrit
3:34 that dive tho
Did anybody else see the hand ball at 2:49
I like to see LA Galaxy vs La Liga all stars in Bernabeu?????
Real didn't even play ronaldo
Who's taking in 2019
The winner of the champions league with face against the mls all stars
They should call this Real Madrid B team lmao
Liga MX all-stars vs MLS all-stars
MLS is for a large part old European players smh
New York City sucks let's go Red bulls