Bonucci star dello Juventus Store – Bonucci is a star at Juventus Store

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Il difensore è il protagonista di uno degli spot girati per il nuovo punto vendita bianconero – The Juventus defender stars in one of the promo adverts filmed at the black and white store which officially opened on 6 September.


7zehel says:

nn sai quanto vorrei farlo. ma aspettiamo fine stagione

Sta Ima says:

he has the potential, he's been great in the last few matches

Laaado16 says:

FORZA Juve from Austria! 🙂

عبدالله الرويلي says:

honestly, I'm better than Bonucci in the defense

chrisrstk says:

cazzo te ridi Leonà??

daje impegnate 😉 fatti valere

cirosssssssss says:

ti vedo bene come addetto alla vendita di gadget….il calcio non è cosa tua…. forza juve!!

Borys Klinga says:

daaaamn, he's too skinny for a central defender…

CotesMusik says:

@bbmohammed no man…Bon Bon is beast
the thing is…people don't praise him when he does good & want to crucify him for the least mistakes he made
Bonucci has the second best passing ratio after Pirlo & make alot more interceptions than most of the overhyped CBs europe!

bbmohammed says:

i am not going to lie but this is guy has been pissing me off this season. But i hope he gets better as the season goes on because we will definitely need him for rotation in the next months.

ivanmaria vele says:

ogni tanto sbaglia a marcare però ad impostare l'azione è il migliore in serie A.

albatro00 says:

proprio bonucci bisognava metterci, anzi spero nel mercato invernale vada via!

FiorePerfugas says:

@7zehel WahahAhAHHAHAHAhAH Hai ragione. 😀

7zehel says:

se nn fosse tanto scarso sarebbe il migliore del mondo

Armandaryan- Juve says:

GRANDE BONUCCI…great defender….exactly star!!!

princextreme88 says:

grande leo!

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